A Spiritual Health Check-up

If you, like me, attended public school between 1966 and 2012, then you likely remember sweating, grunting, and groaning through the Presidential Physical Fitness Test — A grueling, gym-class ordeal that demanded sit-ups, pull-ups, a long-distance run, and several other selected feats of pubescent strength and agility. For the athletically inclined it was a chanceContinue reading “A Spiritual Health Check-up”

Patching the Leak

The Old Testament kings and prophets, along with God’s perennially disobedient people, have been the main characters in our Scripture lessons for the past couple Sundays. As the story of God and us continues to unfold, the long era of royal rule has begun for the Israelites, and their kings are mixed bags of goodContinue reading “Patching the Leak”